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Changes for staff at PN Grafton Intermodal

Apr 21, 2011Update

The RTBU has been in negotiations with Pacific National Intermodal to protect workers at the soon to be downsized Grafton depot.

Following improvements to tracks between Brisbane and Taree, drivers transporting steel between the two cities can make the trip within a single shift. As drivers will no longer be required to change over at Grafton, the depot has lost all its intermodal work to Brisbane & Taree Depots.

The Grafton depot can only retain three workers for bulk services, leaving 18 remaining train crew. PN has requested that remaining train crews temporarily relocate to other depots in order to cover a shortfall of crews.

This relocation will be for a period of 6 months when a further review will be completed. PN Intermodal will take 2-3 crews to Brisbane and 2-3 to Taree to cover their shortfalls, and Bulk will need crews in Morandoo, Werris Ck & Narrabri. At the end of the November review, if there is no prospect of further work the crews will then be made redundant.

The Division’s Organiser & Local Delegate have been involved throughout this process and have participated in numerous consultative meetings with members and the company.

