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Aurizon and the shed of secrets

Jan 15, 2016

Despite revenue of more than $3.7 billion last year, where is the best place that Aurizon thought they should store employee training records and copies of private drivers licences? A safe? No. A vault? No. […] Read More »

Working conditions flushed as Aurizon install Porta Pottis

Jan 14, 2016

Camping toilets have been installed in trains across Central Queensland with attempts to bring them to the Hunter in what Aurizon considers to be acceptable conditions for workers. These locomotives were built with toilets, it […] Read More »

Safety under threat as driver training fails grade

Jan 13, 2016

The commissioning of the new Granville to Westmead signals have seen a notice of dispute lodged with Sydney Trains after the headways “upgrades” have raised new safety concerns. A number of problems have already been […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Dec 18, 2015

As another year draws to an end, I’d like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Loco Division Executive and Divisional Council to wish you all a very merry Christmas and thank you for […] Read More »

What’s happening in NZ?

Dec 18, 2015

Want to hear about what our comrades in New Zealand are up to? Check out the latest edition of the Rail and Maritime Transport Union newsletter, The Activist here.    Read More »

Enfield Smoko

Dec 16, 2015

The recent Enfield Smoko was a raging success, with Peter Marshall somehow managing to keep the crowd of 150+ in toe. Eight retirees were farewelled at the event, including Bob Matheson, John Sexton, Greg Harrison, […] Read More »

Extension of drivers mobility trial (iPads)

Dec 14, 2015

The current Sydney Trains drivers’ iPad trial will be extended until 1 April 2016. This will mean that the current trial participants will continue to be allowed to use these iPads strictly in accordance with […] Read More »

Blacktown Christmas drinks

Dec 14, 2015

Friday December 11 saw the Blacktown Train Crew gather together for their annual Christmas drinks and, as usual, a great time was had by the large number of Train Crew who attended. Especially encouraging was […] Read More »

Sydney Trains reform: working group update

Dec 14, 2015

A number of working groups have been set up to examine the different aspects of the Sydney Trains reform process. The Safety Indicator Working Group presented its concepts and findings to a combined delegates/Sydney Trains […] Read More »

Aurizon inward facing cameras – management response

Dec 8, 2015

National Loco Division delegates recently met with Aurizon management to discuss our strong concerns about the introduction of inward facing cameras. Management advised at that meeting that they would get back to us with further […] Read More »


