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Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Among all the bad news at Pacific National Coal, we’ve recently been given a very welcomed, albeit small, dose of good news. The company has announced that it won’t be going ahead with its planned […] Read More »

Around the Tracks tour

Apr 1, 2016

The Loco Division is coming to you! As part of the Around the Tracks tour, Brian Head will be out and about at the following locations. This is an opportunity to come along and have […] Read More »

PN trying to keep NSW Loco in dark over VIC EA talks

Apr 1, 2016

Pacific National R&B recently sent out a notice to indicate that it is ready to start negotiations for a new PN Vic enterprise agreement – but it seems the company is determined to keep the […] Read More »

Coal Protestors – safety first

Apr 1, 2016

The RTBU is writing to Network Owners and Coal Train Operators to raise members’ concerns about the safety of people protesting around coal services. Members have contacted the union to say that they are becoming […] Read More »

Mobility trial (iPads) update

Apr 1, 2016

As previously reported, Sydney Trains has undertaken a review of TWP 100 and its associated mobile phone protocols and has now developed (in consultation with the RTBU) an Electronic Device Usage Policy which will cover usage parameters […] Read More »

Phones for NSW Train crew?

Apr 1, 2016

NSW Trains is currently looking into the possibility of issuing crew electronic devices for reporting purposes. This is similar to the Sydney Trains iPad distribution and follows NSW Government initiatives to reduce paper usage in […] Read More »

PN Intermodal – terrible case of employee relations

Apr 1, 2016

A member employed by PN Intermodal was recently contacted one evening and asked to work an overtime shift to help the company, which in good faith he agreed to do. The driver was subsequently advised […] Read More »

What rubbish…

Apr 1, 2016

In bizarre scenes, employees at Sydney PN Depot  were recently threatened with dismissal because two rubbish dumpsters were filled to overflowing over the Easter break. Adding to the ridiculous nature of the threats was that the […] Read More »

QUBE EA gets a nod…just

Apr 1, 2016

The latest enterprise agreement at QUBE was recently voted up by a slim margin, with 68 yes votes to 64 no votes. The vote was the third attempt by the company to get its agreement […] Read More »

Two person cabs for the US?

Mar 30, 2016

Railroads would operate with two-person crews in loco cabs if federal regulators in the United States get their way. The Federal Railroad Administration is proposing the new two-people in cabs rule for most operations, saying […] Read More »


