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Asciano takeover on hold again

May 26, 2016

It looks as though the takeover of Asciano will have to wait another month at least, with the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) expected reveal new concerns about elements of the bid. The joint […] Read More »

What’s happening in NZ?

May 25, 2016

Want to know what our comrades in New Zealand are up to? Check out the latest edition of The Activist – the RMTU newsletter. This issue is jammed pack full of interesting articles including a […] Read More »

PN Coal pay correction…finally

May 25, 2016

Months after it was first raised by the Loco Division, Pacific National Coal management has finally agreed to increase the meal allowances and temporary transfer payments as per the enterprise agreement. The company has confirmed […] Read More »

Grab yourself a Loco bag today

May 20, 2016

Loco Division backpacks and freight-style bags are in stock – grab yours today! The popular bags, emboldened with the Loco Division logo, always sell out quickly. To purchase yours, simply contact the Loco Division office […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

May 13, 2016

Are you sick of the sound of election ads yet? Get used to it, because there’s still a long way to go. While we all may cringe at the thought of seeing our political leaders’ […] Read More »

We want your photos!

May 13, 2016

We know many of our Loco Express readers also take a good snap. Why not share them with us? We’re always on the look out for images for Loco Express and our hard-copy newsletter, Around […] Read More »

My Success At Work revived

May 13, 2016

Sydney Trains is claiming the last My Success at Work trial was an overwhelming success, so it’s bringing it back. The My Success at Work concept was trialed in the North Sydney and Cronulla Depots […] Read More »

Want your line manager to come to the GP with you?

May 13, 2016

NSW Trains has been caught trying to suggest that line managers should attend a doctors appointment with workers as part of the new Injury and Illness Assist (IIA) trail. In a presentation on the trial […] Read More »

Dispute over Sydney Trains rostering

May 13, 2016

A Notice of Dispute has been lodged with Sydney Trains following recent attempts by Sydney Trains to change period rosters outside of the allowable timeframes. The matter was raised originally from the Campbelltown Depot when […] Read More »

John Sotiriou Family Benefit Account

May 4, 2016

When John Sotiriou passed away recently, rail workers across the state lost a great mate and a true advocate for workers’ rights. In memory of John, the RTBU has established an account to assist John’s […] Read More »


