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Rio Tinto plans to use drones to monitor workers’ private lives

Dec 9, 2016

Rio Tinto has already replaced workers with automated trucks and trains, and now they want to survey their workforce via live streams to a monitoring station in Perth. Privacy advocates say this could set a […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Reform: latest update

Dec 8, 2016

The Loco Division has continued to meet regularly with Sydney Trains since the recent delegates’ conference. However, at this time we haven’t received anything of substance. Read the latest Sydney Trains Reform Newsflash. Read More »

The CUB 55 have won!

Dec 8, 2016

Six months ago, the 55 workers who maintain the CUB brewery in Abbotsford were sacked and offered their jobs back with a 65% pay cut. They refused to accept this, and ordinary people from every […] Read More »

RTBU women stand together

Dec 7, 2016

There was a great turn out at the RTBU Women’s Committee last week, with support and solidarity from Unions NSW and the ASU. Special thanks to guest speaker, Federal Labor MP Tanya Plibersek, who talked about the […] Read More »

Freight limits imposed after defects found in Hawkesbury River rail bridge

Dec 7, 2016

Limits are being imposed on freight trains running over the rail bridge connecting Sydney with the Central Coast and Newcastle, after engineering reports found cracking in the bridge’s concrete and “consistent defects” in its steel […] Read More »

Stop Malcolm Turnbull attacking workers’ rights

Dec 7, 2016

Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberals have already declared 2017 the year for stripping workers of our rights. Read more about their threats to reintroduce of WorkChoices-style laws here. Right now, working people need more power and better rights […] Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

The year is coming to an end but things aren’t winding down here at the Loco Division: we’ve been busy as ever with the BBQ depot tour, ongoing Sydney Trains reform talks and planning for […] Read More »

Let’s hold PN to account: report shift breaches

Dec 1, 2016

Members have been contacting us to report an increased number of shift breaches since IPS commenced. We were advised that last weekend in the coal section there may have been over forty breaches. It’s really […] Read More »

Blacktown Train Crew get new digs

Dec 1, 2016

On November 25, the new Blacktown Train Crew Facility was officially opened though the crew had already been in residence since the 20th. Sydney Trains management representatives were in attendance in abundance and happily, Blacktown Train Crew […] Read More »

Petition to save major NZ rail line

Dec 1, 2016

NZ’s South Island’s main rail line has been decimated by huge slips following the magnitude 7.8 earthquake near Kaikoura. Already there is pressure from groups like the Tax Payers Union to not replace the rail line. As transport […] Read More »


