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Latest RMTU Activist now out!

May 3, 2017

The latest edition of the RMTU’s famous The Activist newsletter is now out! Check it out. Read More »

Labor announces $400 million commitment to north-south rail link

May 3, 2017

Chifley MP Ed Husic has backed his party’s $400 million pledge to make the vital link a reality, although the plan is not without its critics. NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance immediately hit back at […] Read More »

Opinion – Building trains in Newcastle a win-win

May 3, 2017

The NSW government’s 2016 decision to send $4 billion in rail manufacturing contracts overseas was a betrayal of this city and the generations of workers who built a world-class rail industry here. It can never […] Read More »

Plea to bring Hunter rail manufacturing industry ‘back from the dead’

May 2, 2017

The Hunter’s rail manufacturing industry has “disappeared without a whimper”, and needs a government to develop the political will to “bring it back from the dead”.  Read more in the Newcastle Herald. Read More »

Railtrain Newsflash Issue No.2: Enterprise Agreement Update

Apr 28, 2017

On Friday 28 April 2017, the RTBU met with Railtrain for the second time to negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement. The RTBU presented Railtrain with the changes to the draft EA. Included in the claims […] Read More »

RTBU hails “no names” ruling

Apr 28, 2017

An FWC full bench has confirmed that unions can file disputes in their own names without having to identify the employees involved. Vice President Adam Hatcher, Deputy President Lyndall Dean and Commissioner Tony Saunders upheld […] Read More »

Emma Husar, Ed Husic back Labor’s commitment to building north-south rail link

Apr 28, 2017

The federal members for Lindsay and Chifley have backed their party’s $400 million pledge to making the north-south rail link a reality. Labor’s plan has drawn criticism from the state and federal governments, with NSW […] Read More »

Westmead Hospital Bandaged Bear Appeal 2017

Apr 26, 2017

Locomotive RTBU Member and Eveleigh Driver Gary Pontifex is running a BBQ outside of TCAC to raise money this May for the Children’s Hospital at Westmead as part of their Bandaged Bear Appeal for 2017. […] Read More »

Labor launches petition against botched train project

Apr 26, 2017

A Labor petition is being circulated by post to residents in the Blue Mountains and Hunter regions this month complaining about the new trains set for these regions, and arguing they need to be “fit for […] Read More »

Update: Railtrain Enterprise Agreement Negotiations 2017

Apr 25, 2017

The RTBU has genuine concerns about the limited timeframe and whether the company will adhere to their legal obligations – like listening to our members’ views and providing reasoned responses to them. The company’s sense […] Read More »


