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Michael Stirton retires after 39 years of RTBU membership

Jul 22, 2017

Around 30 RTBU  members of the Pacific National Moss Vale Social Club invited the RTBU Freight Organiser (Kevin Pryor) to attend a retirement function for Michael Stirton at the Moss Vale Golf Club on Saturday […] Read More »

Watch: Bus Drivers present 10,000 signature petition to NSW Parliament!

Jul 22, 2017

Don’t Sell Our Buses campaign reaches new heights! Over 10,000 signatures were handed over to have the privatisation of region 6 buses debated in Parliament! Read More »

Change the rules to stop wage theft

Jul 21, 2017

***From Australian Unions*** In Australia, ripping off workers isn’t the exception, it’s becoming the rule. This week, we’ve seen a report from Unions NSW which looked at 200 foreign language job ads, and found 4 […] Read More »

Standing Together to Secure Our Conditions

Jul 20, 2017

At the meeting held on July 18th, the management of Sydney and NSW Trains responded to the members’ claims and put forward their own claims for a new agreement. Despite management platitudes, it was clear […] Read More »

Guess what Sweden just called its new train?

Jul 19, 2017

Sweden let the public name their new train…. So.. of course they called it “Trainy McTrainface” ! Check out the story via Junkee     Read More »

Update 4: Update: Asbestos in C and K Sets

Jul 17, 2017

The Sydney Trains WHS Divisional Committee has advised the Locomotive Division that the following C and K sets have been tested and verified safe to re-enter service by an external independent Hygienist.   These sets […] Read More »

Sydney’s abandoned train platforms and tunnels have had a “colourful life”

Jul 17, 2017

Locked away under the hustle and bustle of Sydney’s major train stations lies an extensive network of train platforms, tunnels and tracks that were completed in the 1920s but have never been operational. News.com.au tells […] Read More »

Update 5: Update: Asbestos in C and K Sets

Jul 16, 2017

The Sydney Trains WHS Divisional Committee has advised the Locomotive Division that the following C and K sets have been tested and verified safe to re-enter service by an external independent Hygienist.   These sets […] Read More »

Update 3: Asbestos in C and K Sets

Jul 16, 2017

This afternoon, the Sydney Trains WHS Divisional Committee advised the Locomotive Division that the following C and K sets have been tested and verified safe to re-enter service by an external independent Hygienist. These sets […] Read More »

Update 2 – Asbestos in C and K Set Trains

Jul 14, 2017

A meeting was held on Wednesday with Sydney Trains about the ongoing issue of asbestos in C and K Set Trains and the broader management of asbestos within the Sydney Trains workplace. Representatives from the […] Read More »


