Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No 4: Day 5 & 6 meetings
This week your Locomotive Division negotiating team met with Aurizon for EA bargaining meetings 5 & 6. These meetings focused on further discussion and clarification of each party’s position on outstanding leave clauses previously discussed.
Loco Division representatives received a presentation from Payroll Manager, Jillian Blayney, who explained the current way leave is accrued, and how leave deductions apply.
Discussions were held regarding the proposed “Roster E” concept that came out of the Shift Work Solutions review and the recent employee survey. Your Locomotive Division representatives highlighted that the survey was conducted on a baseline roster that looked appealing on face value but did not contain any barracks working which could substantially alter the roster, particularly for the Mayfield Depot. Your Loco Division representatives proposed another survey be undertaken to assess an altered roster containing the full barracks working indicators, to gauge the feeling of the members.
It is important for Members to consider that proposed changes to rostering conditions, such as altering the current 76-hour Roster Cycle, would necessitate a change to current Enterprise Agreement clauses. Any change must be supported by a majority of Members.
While consideration is being given to rostering proposals that may require changes to current conditions to achieve an improved roster, Locomotive Division representatives proposed a draft clause to ensure the roster can revert to the current 76-hour Duty Cycle should the proposed roster change.
A potential change to the practice of rostering an “X Day” following a rostered day off was also suggested. This proposal will be considered by all parties.
Discussions were also held regarding the current shift limits within the Enterprise Agreement, and if there were any changes required to facilitate an increase of the average shift length from 9.5 hours to the proposed 10.9 hours. Locomotive Division representatives enforced that any changes must comply with the Rail Safety National Law regulations, specifically schedule 2.