AFULE coverage limited to Queensland
In good news for the rail industry, Fair Work Australia has confirmed that Queensland’s AFULE – despite dropping the ‘Q’ from its name – may not recruit loco drivers outside of Queensland.
The AFULE have been actively seeking to develop a presence in NSW.
FWA’s Senior Deputy President Richards said, in approving the name change: “I add that it is unchallenged in this matter that the eligibility rule of the Applicant organisation has not been changed and the organisation’s industrial coverage is limited. It is only able to recruit eligible members employed in Queensland.”
This is welcome news to the RTBU. The RTBU will continue to challenge any move by the AFULE to spread its coverage into NSW.
The RTBU is the national union for loco drivers and was formed from amalgamation with the AFULE in every state except Queensland. It’s not good for train drivers to have two unions competing against each other – it will lead to downgraded wages and conditions and undermine morale.
The RTBU’s objection in this matter, and FWA’s subsequent decision, places the AFULE’s restrictions with respect to coverage on the public record. It sends out a very clear and powerful message that we will not allow any change of an organisation’s rules to go unchallenged if it has the effect of impacting the RTBU’s coverage.