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ABC: Bondi Beach almost had a train station, but fear got in the way

May 3, 2018Update

It is Australia’s most famous beach, but anyone who has ever battled the commute to Bondi has probably wondered: Why doesn’t the train line go all the way there?

Instead of a streamlined journey all the way to the sand, the nearest station is three kilometres away at Bondi Junction.

It may seem a small ask for commuters to swap to a bus, but pushy crowds fighting to get on an escalator out of the station, full buses and roads crawling with congestion to the beach don’t make it easy.

To give you an idea, on the first day of the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition in 2014, the NSW Government told people to walk, rather than use the bus.

ABC News Sydney was asked to get to the bottom of the transport predicament after a question through Curious Sydney, our series that reports on stories based on your questions.

Michael Robinson asked: “Why don’t we have a train station at Bondi Beach?”

