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A letter to the Regulator and more legal action

Oct 23, 2020Update

The RTBU has continuously and repeatedly raised your safety concerns with everyone possible. In August, on our Depot Tour, members asked us a lot about the rail regulator and if they would stop an unsafe train ending up on our railways.

It’s a great question. Despite your Union raising our concerns with the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR), we have yet to see anything decisive from the agency tasked with keeping our railways safe.

On Friday, we wrote to the Regulator, providing an overview of our concerns and demanding immediate action. You can find a copy here.

Members are encouraged to make a report to ONRSR about your safety concerns regarding the NIF. You can do this by calling 1800 572 077 and by filling in the form at their website.

They will ask for your details and your connection to the railway but are obliged to keep your complaint confidential. We want the “safety” regulator to hear and read your concerns so they know that you expect them to take immediate action to keep you and the community safe and not just look after the interest of employers

When you do this, please let us know by sending us an email to the following email address: NIF@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Legal Update

This week we launched proceedings in the Supreme Court challenging the Regulators (ONRSR) decision to provide Hyundai Rotum (who built the NIF) with accreditation.

We also filed our evidence for the appeal of the classification decision and were back at the Fair Work Commission reporting on the OIM dispute.

This week, we were back in the Fair Work Commission reporting back on the OIM dispute and submitted our evidence to appeal against the classification decision.

