Secretary’s wrap
Since we first heard about the NSW Government’s plan to purchase cheap off-the-shelf trains for the Blue Mountains line we’ve known it was a bad idea. This week the full extent of the changes needed to accommodate the incompatible trains was revealed – and it’s even worse than we suspected.
Unfortunately we’re seeing a pattern from this Government, where short term thinking and cost-cutting ultimately leads to commuter safety being compromised and the public inconvenienced. Now the Blue Mountains community will have to put up with massive disruptions as large stretches of track are replaced and a hazardous gap opens up between station and train.
Any Loco Division member would have been able to tell the NSW Government this was a terrible idea. But they didn’t consult with you or the union before making this disastrous decision.
The NSW Government has done its best to overshadow the news by spruiking their plans for “300 extra weekly services” to Sydney CBD in the media. But the details are hazy and it’s already emerged that some services will actually slow down and some commuters, like those from the south west, might lose out. We’re looking for more information and will keep members updated.
Read on for the latest news from your union.
Stay safe on the tracks,
Bob Hayden