Secretary’s wrap

Mar 20, 2015Update

With a week to go until the NSW Election, things are really heating up in state politics.Bob-Hayden-Divisional-Secretary

The RTBU has created a score card for the current Baird Government, highlighting the impact its policies have had on our workforce and on pubic transport generally. You can download a copy here or by clicking on the article in this Express.

As you know, the past four years have been particularly difficult for transport workers. We’ve had jobs slashed, rail lines slashed, our conditions attacked, and safety has been given a back seat to cost cutting.

And we know that another four years with this government will see further job cuts, more privatisation and the introduction of driverless trains.

If you’re concerned about what another four years under Mike Baird and Glads Berejiklian will mean for us as workers and our public transport system, feel free to print out the score card and share it around with your mates.

On a more positive note, thank you very much to all the members who took part in our recent member survey.

Large number of workers took the time to complete the important survey and the feedback we’ve received will be very helpful in shaping our focus over the next 12 months. The complete results of that survey are currently being collated and we’ll provide feedback as soon as we can.

Thanks again, don’t forget to get out and vote on Saturday 28th March, and stay safe on the tracks.

Bob Hayden
Secretary, Loco Division

