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QUBE members vote thumbs down on substandard EA

Mar 24, 2023QUBE Update

After numerous requests to QUBE management, today we finally received the actual results from QUBE’s premature and misguided enterprise agreement ballot.

Management only provided this information after your bargaining representatives made it clear that if the results were not provided, then they would not attend any further meetings. It is shocking that your bargaining representatives had to take this step and shows the regard that QUBE has for their workers when they won’t even tell their own employees the result of a ballot in which they voted.

Well, we know now why QUBE didn’t want the results out. Members emphatically voted to reject QUBE’s inferior and unfinished EA.
• No. of Eligible Voters – 201
• Total of Votes – 193 (96%)
• Total Yes Votes – 37 (19%)
• Total No Votes – (156) (81%)

You have seen through QUBE’s propaganda and voted accordingly. We are back at the negotiation table next Wednesday were we hopefully see QUBE change their position and start acting on your Log of Claims.

It’s time that QUBE started acting like the large national company they are and provide their employees with pay and conditions that align with industry standards. Members would have seen from the recent newsflashes that QUBE workers are potentially paid significantly less than their comrades at Pacific National. Exciting changes to industrial laws are coming soon and QUBE need to put an attractive package to their workforce if they want to get an Enterprise Agreement before these changes come into effect.

Download the Newsflash here.

