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Sydney Trains – Return to Pre-Covid Training

Nov 4, 2022Update

Members are advised that due to the rolling back of COVID restrictions in the workplace, Sydney
Trains propose to start transitioning back to pre-Covid training arrangements for the Initial
Employment Training (IET) program starting from the 6 November 2022.

There have been several consultative meetings with the Locomotive Division concerning the above,
including an analysis of pre and post Covid training methods, to identify any improvements that may
be kept.

While the change is driven by the resources needed for the program, it appears both training
approaches have been effective as key indicators have remained very similar. The assessment
identified consistent outcomes in:

  • Number of graduates
  • Not Yet Competent (NYC)
  • Further Development Required (FDR)
  • Total number of operational incidents for new drivers

Changes will include:

  • 3 trainees to 1 trainer for Route Knowledge,
  • 19 days of driving per sector,
  • an increase to 3-to-1 for shunting,
  • Silver Set Training, RK Training Train (Illawarra – Flemington),
  • changes to the progress record book,
  • changes to Principal Driver Assessment tools and changes to the Driver Trainer Guide.

There will be a concerted communications plan to outline what is happening. Also, classroom
restrictions have been rolled back with training to be rolled out to depot specific elements.

The Driver Training Steering Committee continues to work through all training needs for drivers and
trainees with a view to maintain, improve and consult on any changes to the IET Program and any
program involving driver training. The IET Program will be monitored as we transition back to pre-
covid training elements.

Members can contact their local delegates or head office for more information if needed.

