Rail line suffers as summer heats up

Oct 9, 2019Update

With summer approaching and the fire season in full throttle, we have seen the North Coast Line cut at Rappville with at least 2 viaducts burnt out and up to 6 bridges, signals and signaling cables burnt, hundreds of sleepers burnt out, causing the rail to buckle, the Rappville level crossing equipment has also suffered extensive damage and will need replacing.

Rural Fire Services are currently deployed in the area and fires are threatening vital infrastructure and homes throughout NSW in many different locations. Our thoughts go out to the communities who have suffered loss. We offer our best wishes to our members and their communities and urge everyone to stay safe until the fires dissipate.

We also express our gratitude to fire and emergency service men & women who are doing a courageous job in fighting the fires and assisting communities in this serious and potentially life threatening situation.

If you are experiencing any issues at work arising from the fires or the after effects, please do not hesitate to contact your local organiser or head office.

