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NIF “Independent Validation” of Operating Model

Sep 19, 2019Update

Members are advised that TfNSW have engaged an “independent” review of its proposed operating model for the guards role on the NIF. In particular, this “independent valuator” will be travelling with guards on the InterCity network and its rolling stock to ascertain if the proposed operating model is safe to implement on NIF. To date, guard members are advising that they are being asked if they have ever been spat on or fallen out of the train whilst performing their platform train interface duties at the crew cab door.

The “independent valuator” is also reported as making statements such as “the way this task is currently being performed is unsafe” which can only lead one to assume that the “validation” exercise is merely a means to an ends to justify the proposed operating model and subsequent use of CCTV only for that purpose.

Interestingly, this “independent valuator” was offered to review how Sydney Trains conducts its right away processes utilising CCTV as an aid however, that offer was declined based on Sydney trains being “another operator”. The “independent valuator” also declined to travel with NSW Trains drivers to ascertain the ramifications and impacts of the operating models workload on the drivers role.

Members must further question the “independence” of this review in light of the fact that the reviewer comes from England (where this model is rife), is an avid supporter of Driver Only operation (also rife in England) and is contracted to, and paid by TfNSW.

