Billions lost due penalty rate cuts
A study from the McKell Institute earlier this year found that penalty rate cuts will leave workers with an almost $3 billion loss in the next three years under this coalition government.
Unlike the government’s claims, there has been no evidence of increased employment opportunities or an economic boom to justify the cut and workers in hospitality, retail and pharmacy are billions out of pocket.
“The government is still just helping their big business mates to line their pockets with the hard earned income of their workers. These billions could be going towards putting food on the table, health care and any number of daily expenses workers and their families would normally spend income on which they now have to go without,” said Loco Division Secretary Bob Hayden.
“The union has been completely against this. Workers deserve to be heard and we need to speak up against the government’s false claims.”
Please click here to read the full article from the Canberra Times.