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Metro Constructions Impact on Train Crew Facilities/Amenities

May 7, 2019Update

Consultation has commenced with both Sydney and NSW Trains regarding the impact Metro construction works will have on existing train crew facilities and amenities at Central Station.

Based on noise and vibration issues, it has been proposed to relocate all TCAC staff and close the TCAC train crew meal room and associated amenities such as lockers, toilets and showers etc.

Also planned for relocation is the NSW Trains drivers meal room, lockers etc in the “dungeon”. At this stage both businesses are stating the relocation will be temporary however, with Metro works at Central scoped to run for at least two years the move can hardly be considered temporary.

NSW Trains are looking at relocating train crew to platform 1 above the booking office and NSW Trains TCAC assigners and booker on to two below this. Sydney Trains are currently looking at relocating to the old IT area on level 1 at Central.

Early indications from plans submitted by NSW Trains are less than promising with amenities being less than what is available today and lockers access and size will be problematic.

Sydney Trains plans for their relocation are still under discussion and RTBU representatives are involved from both businesses. Members will be kept informed as these discussions progress.

