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QUBE EA negotiations update

Feb 14, 2019Update

On Tuesday 12th February 2019, Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiation team met with QUBE Management at their office in Cooks River to continue negotiating your Enterprise Agreement. While it is the intention of all parties to have in-principle agreement before the current Enterprise Agreement expires, a number of items remain outstanding and the company are yet to put a pay increase on the table.

One of the main outstanding issues is the length of the Duty/Roster Cycle. Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team are trying to identify differences between a 38 hour Duty/Roster Cycle and a 76 hour Duty/Roster Cycle and how these will impact your rostering, work, family balance and pay. The below sets out some of the differences which we ask members to look at, consider and provide any feedback/comment or preference to your local delegate or email kpryor@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

 Our next meeting will take place on 19th March 2019 when we are hopeful that all outstanding issues will have been identified and resolved with only the wage outcome being outstanding for the parties to negotiate. 

Not a member? Then join today! This is this best opportunity for everyone to become an RTBU Locomotive Division member to achieve the best possible outcome for your Enterprise Agreement. If you have any questions, please contact your local Delegate or the RTBU Head Office on (02) 9264 3400. 

