Loco Membership Numbers Continue to Increase.
The Loco Division have been able to maintain and grow membership numbers over the previous 3 years in both the Freight and Passenger areas through various pro active organising elements and business requirements. One of these elements is the recruitment of Sydney Trains ETR Drivers.
Over the past 2 years and 3 months there have been approximately 430 driver trainees enter the system and of these 400 have been signed up as members and the 30 who were not initially signed up chose to become members at a later date, or not.
Organisers meet the new recruits on day zero of the course to highlight the benefits of the RTBULD and why to become a member, all benefits to members, talk about our conditions of employment, the Current EA, Working arrangements and the training program. We then follow up any member applications not processed as we come across them trough the training program.
The Locomotive Division continue to place a high priority and importance in signing new members and member numbers in general as we continue to grow against national trends of union membership and we will continue to do so.
Congratulations and welcome to all new trainee drivers who become members and all those drivers who choose to remain members of the RTBU and thanks to all involved the process. It is encouraging.
Unity and experience will always prevail.