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Train drivers have the toughest job in the country

Jul 13, 2018Update

STRESS. It’s public enemy number one – the thing we worry about more than our finances, family, future and relationships.

For most people, their jobs are the main source, and it can lead to a variety of conditions from burnout and fatigue, to anxiety, heart disease and diabetes. It also costs a fortune, with an estimated $15 billion lost to the economy each year due to stress-related issues.

So what jobs stress us out the most?

Statistics from Safe Work Australia based on the number of accepted claims for workers compensation for mental stress-related issues show one job stands out as being particularly hard.

Train drivers have the toughest job in the country, according to the data, with 1025 claims made per 100 million hours worked – about 26 times more than the average job for males.

Read the full story on news.com.au here. 

