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1Rail Newsflash: Leave deductions

Nov 24, 2020Update

Members have recently advised that 1Rail has started changing the way they deduct employee’s annual and sick leave and that they had not been informed of these changes. 

The RTBU Locomotive division has written to 1Rail Management and requested a meeting to discuss why the changes have been made and why they were implemented without notifying the workforce. We believe some members have also lodged notices of dispute with the company. 

We are aware that there have been some recent legal decisions from the Courts that relate to leave deductions and how they should be applied, but for 1Rail to implement these changes without any discussion is not acceptable. 

A meeting is scheduled for the 8th of December to attempt a resolution. In the interim we would ask that all members check their recent leave applications against what leave has been debited from their leave balance and compile an email detailing any deductions that have been treated differently to how they were previously. Send this email to your delegate or organiser as this will allow us to ensure we cover as many scenarios as possible. 

When compiling any future leave applications members should keep copies of their application forms. 

Further information will be provided as matters progress. 

 AUTHORISED: R Hayden Locomotive Divisional Secretary

