These are the most anti-union laws we have seen in a generation

Sep 13, 2017News

***Message from Sally McManus, ACTU Secretary***

Michaelia Cash is trying to convince the Senate to pass the most anti-union laws we have seen in a generation – the so-called Ensuring Integrity Bill.

This is a shocking attack on our democracy.

These laws would give Michaelia Cash, big business and their lobbyists power to interfere with how unions run, giving them the ability to shut down unions, sack union leaders and stop unions from merging.

They are trying to make it harder for unions to do their job of standing up for working people.

I explain a bit more about these anti-union laws in this video.

They would never apply these same laws to business. Under the Liberals, there is one set of laws that apply to them and their mates, and another set of laws for the rest of us.

Crossbench Senators will decide if this law is passed.  Please contact crossbench Senators in your state, on social media, and ask them to stop these anti-union laws.

Senators for South Australia

Nick Xenophon

Stirling Griff

Skye Kakoschke-Moore

Lucy Gichuhi

Senator for Western Australia

Peter Georgiou

Senators for Queensland

Pauline Hanson

Malcolm Roberts

Senators for New South Wales

David Leyonhjelm

Brian Burston

Senator for Victoria

Derryn Hinch

Senator for Tasmania

Jacqui Lambie

In unity,

Sally McManus

