Workers Comp – reality of the cuts

Aug 26, 2012Hot Topic

The NSW Government moved its amendments to the Workers Compensation legislation through the parliament almost two months ago, effectively stripping workers in the state of valuable protections.

Will the cuts to protection for NSW workers and their families make a difference to how you vote at the next state election?

The changes, which include removing protection for workers when travelling to and from work and cutting the weekly payments seriously injured workers receive, have been described as the biggest attack on injured workers’ rights in a decade.

The below flyer outlines exactly where the cuts to protection have occurred.

As we all know, the rail industry can be a very dangerous one. Despite every attempt to minimise danger, it’s an unfortunate fact that injuries on the job do sometimes occur.

What’s your view on the new workers compensation legislation? Two months on, have you, or anyone you know, been affected by the cuts to workers comp protection? Will the changes influence how you vote at the next state election?

