Want your line manager to come to the GP with you?
NSW Trains has been caught trying to suggest that line managers should attend a doctors appointment with workers as part of the new Injury and Illness Assist (IIA) trail.
In a presentation on the trial recently distributed to NSW Trains employees in the North Region there was a slide which stated that ‘your Line Manager will attend the appointment with you’ (in relation to a doctor’s appointment with your own General Practitioner).
The RTBU Loco Division has disputed this presentation as a result of this wording.
The Loco Division would like to advise members that this was never spoken about during the consultation process, nor was it agreed to. The RTBU vehemently opposes the concept of a line/shift/area manager attending any form of doctor’s appointment unless the individual involved has given express consent with a full understanding of the ramifications of allowing a line manager attending your person doctors appointment with you.
If you do not wish your line manager to attend the appointment with you, you are advised to inform them immediately that they are not to attend the appointment. Should you (or your Line Manager) have any issues with this, please contact your local RTBU Locomotive Divisional Delegate or the RTBU Head Office as soon as possible.