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Unions reject claims industrial action timing is contrived

Jan 8, 2013News

The RTBU has flatly rejected claims that it has timed its PN industrial action vote to avoid the scrutiny of the Federal election.

Media reports recently suggested that transport workers, including workers at PN, were trying to take industrial action sooner rather than later so as not to coincide with the heightened political scrutiny the election, due to take place towards the end of the year, will bring.

Loco Division Secretary Bob Hayden said the claims are ridiculous – as is Opposition workplace relations spokesman, Eric Abetz’s, take on the PN issue.

Senator Abetz yesterday called on trade union leaders to show wage restraint and hinted that he thought unions could be using their position in an inappropriate manner.

“We’ve been negotiating this new EA with Pacific National for over 12 months now and the company is yet to come back with a deal that goes anyway towards providing workers with the pay and conditions they deserve,” Bob Hayden said.

“To say that it’s the workers that are being inappropriate is downright offensive to the hundreds of PN Coal workers who work day in and day out to keep the operation running and are simply refusing to accept an agreement that doesn’t provide them with the wages and conditions they deserve.

“Truth is, strikes are a last resort. Workers don’t take the decision to take industrial action lightly at all, but PN has left members with no other option but to undertake a vote to allow such action should it be necessary.

“Our negotiating and industrial strategies are always determined by the needs of our members – not by political timetables.

“Pacific National went to members with an agreement containing unreasonable alcohol and drug testing, discipline,  safety and rostering conditions and a wage increase that 85 per cent of those who votes rejected. The company only has itself to blame.

“We will continue to fight for the rights of workers at PN Coal and work to ensure we get an agreement that works and is supported for and by the membership.”

See the AFR articles in full here
See the Australian article here
See the Newcastle Herald article here


