Trojan MSD Vote – The Facts

Oct 26, 2021Employer News Trojan

Trojan Rail has tried to misinform employees in relation to beginning bargaining for an Enterprise  Agreement.  

Employees can only be better off overall with an Enterprise Agreement. Once bargaining begins you will  be able to have a say in and some control in the terms and conditions of your employment.  

Trojan misrepresented information in its email of 22 October 2021 to employees which stated: 

an enterprise agreement cannot provide job security in circumstances where the nature of our  business is that we are a labour hire provider”. 

Trojan Rail made this statement, despite the fact that Trojan Rail’s parent company Trojan Recruitment  recently agreed to an Enterprise Agreement for part of its labour hire business that provided much  improved job security including automatic full-time employment, minimum shift length and payments, and  a schedule of hours to be worked;  

“12. Casual Labour  

The parties to the agreement acknowledge that some employees prefer full time employment. In order to facilitate permanency, casual employees who are engaged on a continuous full time basis  at any specific client site, for a continuous period of 6 months will be offered to be converted his/  her employment to full time. An exemption to this will apply if an employer faces termination of their  contract at a site or an employee can show cause so as to not be made full time, their period of  casual engagement will be reviewed following each 3 months of additional service, all casual period  worked shall count as service employment worked for the company if or when converted to full  time.  

The minimum period of engagement for a casual employee is one working day. On each occasion  a casual employee is required to attend work the employee shall be entitled to payment for a  minimum of one day’s work. 

Casual employees shall be paid a 25% casual loading on the wage rate of their classification set  out in this agreement. 

Where the Company does engage a casual employee, the Company will provide the employee  with a schedule of hours to be worked and likely period of engagement.” 

This EA along with others can be found on the Trojan Recruitment Website. 

Trojan Employees should question: 

What is Trojan willing to say to stop them from collectively bargaining?

Download a copy of the Newsflash here.

