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Time to Change the Rules

Oct 24, 2018News

This is a view looking down at the  Eveleigh Locomotive Workshops at knock-off time, circa 1950.

This was from an era when governments valued the worth of utilising a local workforce.
However, the worker’s in this photo often campaigned some 70 years ago. When the rules were broken.
A unionised workforce stood up against minimum wages and poor working conditions. They changed the broken rules.

These trade unionists, both men and women fought in unity and solidarity to provide you the reader and your families, a safer and more secure future.
However, the rules are once again broken. By a government who does not value the working class, at all.
Join with the RTBU as part of the ACTU’s Change the Rules campaign, that aims to lift the minimum wage to help workers keep up with the rising cost of living.
Don’t let history repeat itself.
Photo: National Library of Australia.

