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Time capture to pay update

Feb 5, 2013News

RailCorp has re-launched the ‘time capture to pay’ concept under the new banner of ‘My Time and Pay’ and will commence a phased rollout in February 2013.

Hornsby Maintenance Centre staff [not train crew] will be the first to trial the system followed by staff at the Sydenham Signal Box. The system will then be rolled out to various sites and business divisions in three month cycles over a two year period.

In the first phase staff will use their Employee ID card to swipe on and off duty using the electronic clocks. The system won’t be used to calculate pays at this stage.

From mid 2013 the system will begin to be used to calculate pay and will undergo testing to ensure its accuracy. Once these two phases are complete, consultation will commence regarding the use of the Finger Scanning functionality.

Under this phased rollout, Train Crew on Sydney Trains will be unaffected until June 2014 and Train Crew on NSW Trains in September 2014.

