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The “Quack” is back

Oct 24, 2012News

Members will recall from previous articles RailCorp’s proposal to install a low decibel “quacker” on trains utilising Macdonaldtown Yard. The intention of this devise is to eliminate the use of the train horn during preparation, thereby reducing noise levels at this location. This is now being called a “Train Based Warning System”(TBWS).

The functional requirements are for the devise to be audible to a person in the danger zone at a minimum distance (in front of the train only) of 30m instead of the previously proposed 60m and visual warning (flashing ditch lights) are now proposed to operate continuously on train departure. It is proposed that the TBWS will be activated by the driver via an in cab switch or button and will be turned off once the train has passed SY 502.

Further consultation is required regarding proposed procedural requirements prior to implementation and members will be kept informed as this matter progresses.

