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Win for Sydney Trains members: 4 X 193km protection secured!

Jul 27, 2017

Your Locomotive Division Representatives recently met with Sydney Trains management to re-enforce the long standing condition of employment which limits the number of mileage shifts a Driver can perform each fortnight. In spite of continued […] Read More »

Update from Norwegian Locomotive drivers

Oct 28, 2016

          Message from our Norwegian colleagues from the NLF locomotive drivers’ union: Update on the Norwegian Locomotive drivers strike The strike has now been going on for 4 weeks.  124 locomotive […] Read More »

Sydney Trains driver pens open letter in response to ‘inefficiency’ accusations

Jul 29, 2016

An RTBU Locomotive Division member has written an open letter in response to an article published earlier this week in the Daily Telegraph accusing Sydney Trains drivers of being ‘off the rails with inefficiency’. The Sydney Trains driver hopes to […] Read More »

