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Sydney Trains uniforms revealed

Mar 22, 2014News

Following an extensive consultative process, Sydney Trains has now supplied its final position in regards to the proposed new uniform and provided a rollout plan for crew fittings.

The uniform to be issued will consist of long and short sleeve business style shirts with an orange collar, charcoal trousers with cargo style pockets in both summer and winter weight along with woollen jumpers and vests as well as a Castro style jacket with changeable linings for different temperature ranges.

As requested the business style shirts will be in a darker shade then station staff/ guards and women will also be issued with a blouse style shirt. A spray jacket of the same style currently on issue is being sourced for general issue with a prototype to be available within the next week.

What drivers will not get in the new uniform issue is the Melton style jacket and obviously, shorts. It is proposed to commence uniform fittings in early April with crew rostered to attend the Glenfield route knowledge training then being required to attend a fitting at Liverpool.

Crew not conducting this training will be fitted at Central as a part of their rostered working. It is not proposed to implement the wearing of the new uniform until such times as sufficient stocks are attained and should occur towards the end of June.

To date, no consultation has occurred regarding the wearing of the name tag however, this is planned to commence in the near future.

