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SSR Enterprise Agreement update 22 September

Sep 22, 2023Employer News SSR

Members, yesterday your EA bargaining team met with SSR again.

There was a last-minute attempt by SSR to add a new clause, without consultation, to the Agreement that would have had the effect of negating all entitlements if you agree to work on a Green Day.

After much discussion, they have agreed to remove this new claim.

SSR have begun the 7-day access period required prior to a vote. They have refused to move any further on our outstanding claims and have decided to take this Enterprise Agreement out to a vote without agreement or endorsement from your bargaining team.

What happens next? Please take the time to read through the document. The RTBU will be holding Zoom meetings to discuss the current offer during the access period.

Links, dates and times for the meetings are below. We encourage all members to join a meeting!

Zoom Meetings:

Monday 25/09/2023, 10:30 hours

Tuesday 26/09/2023, 09:00 hours

Wednesday 27/09/2023, 15:00 hours

Thursday 28/09/2023, 14:00 hours

Download the Newsflash here.

