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SSR Enterprise Agreement update, 11/08/23. 

Aug 11, 2023Employer News SSR

Negotiations for your new SSR EA are continuing. 

This week we had 2 meetings with SSR management. 

The first meeting was for SSR to walk us through their proposal for bi-monthly payouts of some excess overtime in the hours bank. They will be providing this presentation to the wider bargaining group at the next meeting. We still remain fundamentally opposed to the length of your duty cycle and maintain that it must be much shorter to bring it into line with other employers. There is much more discussion to be had on this and other issues, going forward. 

The second meeting was to begin drafting of the new agreement. This was mostly minor corrections to update the document to include new references to current legislation and awards. 

You would have all seen the email that SSR sent out this week with items for discussion at the next meeting. Several Members have expressed concern at some of these items. It is important to know that these items have not yet been discussed or agreed to. We will be discussing these items in detail at the next meeting on 17 August 2023. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the negotiations, please email them to Marc Chapman mchapman@rtbu-nsw.asn.au 

We will update members again after the next meeting. 

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