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Southern Shorthaul Railway EA negotiations begin again

Sep 21, 2017News

Negotiations have recommenced after the correct “Notice of Representations Rights” were re-issued to members. At a meeting, which was held on 31 August 2017, the RTBU and SSR Management discussed the following;

  •   1st book off day to be 30 hours – unacceptable from SSR’s point of view.
  •   Annual leave not be sign back on before 0600 hrs – agreed in principle.
  •   Annual leave rosters to be created – agreed in principle with new annual leave request forms.
  •   A minimum of 4 Book Off days to be posted per fortnight. Having this posted on the Master Roster was
  • deemed unacceptable to the Board. The RTBU then questioned as to what if an employee doesn’t use all
  • the allotted Book Off Days – awaiting on response.
  •   Definition of Multiple Booking off and appropriate benefits / allowances / timeframes. The purpose of
  • Multiple Book Offs is to facilitate the operations of our regional services where it is unviable to have
  • numerous underutilised regional depots – awaiting on SSR to provide details
  •   Timeframes for advising Lift Up / Lay back – Discussions surrounded the hours between 2200 and 0600
  • where you will receive a call to commence work in an allotted timeframe
  •   Proper Home Depot with all facilities – SSR does not have any sign on offices. All sign on locations are
  • classified as remote locations.
    Possible sign on zones (6hrs) for TBA or Blank line Working – SSR to investigated, but nothing has happened as yet.
  •   Duty Cycle of only 4 weeks – SSR want to set up a consultation process to review the Duty Cycle. This means that it may be reduced but it won’t increase. Awaiting feedback from members.
  •   Personal Carer’s Leave restriction for Doctor’s Certificate is too harsh – At a minimum in the event someone who is identified in clauses 31.3 & 31.4 is deemed by medical practitioner to require on-going care will mean that an initial medical certificate will be required.
  •   Working past 12 hrs entitling members to an Overtime Payment was deemed unacceptable to SSR
  •   Advice outside of advice times should be at overtime rates – agreed in principle to include the words (the
  • employee can refuse to accept a job outside of the advice period)
  •   Pay increase plus pay increase to make from the no pay increase within the last EA – SSR are saying that your pay increase will only be CPI each year for 3 years.

The next meeting shall take place within a couple of weeks after both parties have had time to review proposed wording.

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