Secretary’s Report | 26 February 2021

Dear members,
It has been a busy fortnight in the Locomotive Division as you can see in the many updates in this edition of Loco Express.
On Wednesday, the decision was made to have PN Intermodal Clause 3.9 arbitrated following the long-standing interpretation dispute potentially affecting the replacement PNI EA Vote. Arbitration will be sought from the Fair Work Commission around the interpretation of Clause 3.9, Attachment 1 of the Enterprise Agreement. Surprisingly, considering their normal master/servant attitude to employees PN have agreed to be bound by the Fair Work Decision. Whilst the outcome of the arbitration is unknown, we hope to teach them a lesson for their arrogance.
In more PN news, the PN Outsourced Enterprise Agreement 2021 has now been endorsed by members with 96% of votes received approving the agreement. There was a good return rate with an 84% response rate out of 67 voters. Congratulations to members who stood together during the bargaining process. The agreement has now been signed by the RTBU and Pacific National for lodgement with the FWC.
Discussions have continued with QUBE regarding their proposal to introduce “new technology”, across the fleet. These forms of new technology include camera surveillance, computer surveillance, and tracking surveillance. Since receiving their proposal in late 2020, The Locomotive Division has met with QUBE twice via video conference and requested more information on the use and parameters around the proposed technology and what benefits QUBE believes this will provide. The RTBU Locomotive Division wrote to QUBE Management on the 9th of February 2021, highlighting concerns regarding the above items and at time of writing have not yet received a response.
The ONRSR released its 2019-2020 Rail Safety Report this week as well. We have included a link to the report in this week’s Express for your information.
In the news, Channel Nine News has covered the State Governments attempts to force NSW and Sydney Trains members to accepted a roll over of our EA’s for a measly 0.3%. You can view the snippet of this story on Nine News here. A recently conducted survey of impacted RTBU members returned a 94% rejection of the State Governments proposal, a position which has been clearly communicated to management. If they plough ahead with an all employee vote The Locomotive Division encourages all Sydney/NW Trains members to VOTE NO a force them to the table to negotiate.
NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance has reiterated that masks will continue to be mandatory on public transport; a crucial safety measure as the NSW Government predicts an increase in peak hour commuter capacity to 70% of pre-pandemic levels.
Remember, there are some exemptions for members as outlined in the Loco Division Footplate. You can also find a Mask Q&A for quick explainers on the current situation on the Branch website.
We will continue to follow medical advice with respect to COVID-19 and the national roll-out of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program. The question of whether or when an individual or demographic should be vaccinated is a medical issue not an industrial issue.
At this stage all we know is that the vaccine will be free, TGA approved, and non-mandatory. Voluntary vaccination will be offered according to the Federal Government’s ‘Vaccination Roll-Out Strategy’, with vulnerable demographics (based on age, ethnicity and likelihood of exposure to the virus) prioritised to be offered earlier voluntary vaccination.
We are not aware of any plans or policy to make the vaccine mandatory in any workplace. Whether a direction from an employer to an employee to receive a vaccine is lawful remains untested in Australian workplace law. As such, there is little utility in the Union speculating on such matters in the absence of an actual proposal from an employer.
As always, we will continue to represent and advocate for our embers where they have been adversely or unfairly treated by their employer, including if that treatment is based on grounds related to COVID-19, vaccination, or other medical issues.
The Loco Division is continuing its Keep Freight on Aussie Trains campaign to pressure the Federal Government to abandon its coastal shipping reforms. Stand up for real Australian freight jobs and raise your voice on the matter by sending an email to your MP here.
The RTBU is also pushing forward with its national campaign calling for the government to protect COVID-vulnerable workers. The petition targets workers with pre-existing conditions who are more susceptible to adverse effects from the virus. Implementing a financial support system similar to JobKeeper will allow them to remain safe at home and securely employed to ensure they can stay out of harm’s way. Sign the petition, spread the word.
Federal Government (through COAG/National Cabinet) will be bringing legislation to Parliament in the next few months to improve the portability of occupational licenses and registrations.
This means that workers with state-based licenses or registrations should find it easier to get licensed or registered in other states if they choose to move. In principle, greater portability of licenses and registrations is something that we support and will be beneficial to our members. The RTBU Nationally believe that it would be better to establish national licenses, overseen by appropriate national bodies, but this is at least a step in the right direction.
The draft bill provides a framework for states to automatically recognise licenses and registrations granted by other states.
The draft bill should come before Parliament by the middle of the year, and the National Office is currently asking for comment/feedback from State Branches and Divisions.
For more information go to
We hope you enjoy this edition of Loco Express.
In Solidarity,
Bob Hayden
RTBU Locomotive Division Secretary