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Recent assaults leave Victorian rail workers fearful

Mar 13, 2017News

Recent assaults on V/LINE conductors have left rail workers in Victoria fearing for their safety and sparked a call from the RTBU for self-defence, first aid and conflict resolution training and a state-funded safety campaign.

RTBU Victoria branch secretary Luba Grigorovitch told the Herald Sun:

“The level of abuse and assault levelled at front line staff is concerning and it is imperative that these workers can feel safe while on the job.

“Following a pattern of ongoing incidents, the RTBU has called for the co-ordination of an education and awareness campaign to draw attention to this behaviour. We must work as a community to bring it to an end.

“It is also critical we continue the push for all operators to ensure front line staff can feel secure at work and in the event of an incident have the capacity and resources to deal with any emergencies.

“Every worker has the right feel secure at work and go home safe.”

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