Rail Entities Log of claims
A resolution will be put to Rail Entities members for endorsement at upcoming mass meetings.
The resolution, which was approved by delegates at a meeting earlier this week, was written to capture the results of the recent members’ survey through which members made it very clear that all current conditions of employment should be protected in the upcoming agreement.
The resolution contains a number of items including the following:
– There should be a single agreement covering all employees currently covered by the existing RailCorp EA 2010 and the existing structure should be maintained.
– A 4.5% claim for maintenance of all current conditions for all classifications, rates of pay and allowances.
– The inclusion of journey cover for workers compensation in the EA for all employees, given the O’Farrell Government’s decision to remove this benefit from the NSW Workers compensation Scheme.
– A claim that all relevant policies are incorporated in the agreement, so as to protect policies which impact on members from being changed without any consultation and or agreement with affected members and their union.
This round of negotiations for the replace enterprise agreement will be the toughest any of us have faced. Already the government have set the agenda in advance by deciding what they demand to be included in any outcome, before good faith bargaining even commences.