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QUBE Members overwhelmingly vote No! 

Mar 17, 2023QUBE

Members have seen through QUBE’s inadequate EA and emphatically told management to get back to the bargaining table and improve the offer. Whilst management are being coy about the exact results of the vote, the Union understands a vast majority of employees voted “NO” – this also explains why management are not keen on publishing the results. 

With this emphatic result, members have let QUBE management know that the proposed agreement was not up-to-standard and the company needs to do more for its workers who are driving company profits. 

What happens next? The RTBU and EA delegates are ready and waiting to go back to bargaining to attempt to achieve a fair and reasonable Enterprise Agreement for all members, which includes recognition for the increased cost of living and profitability of QUBE, significantly more pay, reinstating deleted clauses, and accepting more of YOUR log of claims. 

We are now waiting for QUBE to schedule the next bargaining meetings – QUBE members should be proud as, through their own resolve, they are well placed to achieve a lot in this round of bargaining.

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