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QUBE Members Enterprise Agreement update: access period now open

Mar 7, 2023News QUBE

QUBE management has continued to ignore members claims and concerns and has now put their inferior Enterprise Agreement out for members to consider. Voting will open next week. 

QUBE refuses to put a fair pay rise into the agreement, stating at meetings that members should be grateful that they have been offered 4% per year. With inflation currently sitting up near 8%, this equates to a significant loss in real income for all members! 

Members should note, the voting period opens at 06:00 on Monday, 13 March 2023 and closes at 18:00 on Tuesday, 14 March 2023. This is an extremely short voting period. Clearly, they are hoping that a large percentage of their workforce misses that voting window. Don’t allow them to get away with this underhanded tactic. 

It is extremely important that all members vote. It is also vital that the vote is NO! 

Exciting changes to Industrial laws are coming soon. Companies like QUBE know this. Hence the rush to get this EA over the line prior to the upcoming changes that could have significant positive outcomes for members. 

QUBE members should vote NO to this substandard EA! 

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