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QUBE Members Enterprise Agreement Update 2 

Mar 9, 2023News QUBE

 Pay Gap between QUBE and Pacific National gets Bigger. 

QUBE management has continued to ignore members claims and concerns and has now put their deficient Enterprise Agreement out for members to consider. Voting will open next week. 

Important points to note: 

  • This is only QUBE’s first offer. 
  • QUBE’s offer has lower rates of pay than PN’s recent EA. 
  • QUBE’s offer has lower yearly increases than PN’s recent EA. 
  • QUBE’s overtime rate is lower than PN. 
  • Inflation is higher now than at any other time in recent memory. 
  • The proposed yearly pay rises are half of current rates of inflation. 
  • The Reserve bank has just raised interest rates for the 10th consecutive month. 

It more important now than ever that workers achieve actual pay increases in line with cost of living. QUBE are making huge profits and paying management multi-million dollar bonuses yet refusing to offer a real pay increase to their workforce. QUBE have stated in bargaining that those profits do not come from Rail, yet they are spending record amounts on Rail Infrastructure. Despite this, they would have you believe that there is no money left in the purse. Don’t be fooled by their accounting tricks. If QUBE can ensure its Managing Director has yearly take-home pay of over $4,000,000 then better wages and conditions are achievable across the business! 

If you want a better outcome in this EA, it is essential that you do not miss their ridiculously short voting window. 

QUBE members should vote NO to this substandard EA! 

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