QUBE – Fair Work Commission Update 

Aug 4, 2023QUBE

Your RTBU Locomotive Division Negotiating team returned to the Fair Work Commission today, 4 August 2023, for a conciliation with Qube management facilitated by Commissioner Crawford. 

Members who have been following along would be aware that this session formed part of Commissioner Crawford’s decision in our recent s424 application. 

We can report that today’s conciliation was a productive session overall, with both parties discussing their respective positions, exchanging some offers, and overall there was some narrowing of the difference between the parties. 

Both parties will return to the Fair Work Commission this coming Monday afternoon to continue working towards an agreement with the assistance of Commissioner Crawford. 

Both sides have also agreed to extend our current cease fire until at least Monday so members will continue to work as normal until then. 

Members will continue to receive regular updates as soon as developments occur. 

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