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QUBE EA update-  Protected Industrial Action Process Started. 

Jun 15, 2023Employer News QUBE

 On Wednesday, your Union lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission as requested by you to start the process of Protected Industrial Action. At the same time, QUBE filed an application with the Fair Work Commission to deal with a Bargaining Dispute. 

While we wait for the above Fair Work Commission items it’s now time to make sure all your details are up to date. Please ensure that your Home Address, Mobile Phone Number, Work Location and Email Address that you have provided to the Union are correct and are the same as that you have provided to QUBE. 

The Ballot process requires QUBE to send through a copy of employee’s details to the ballot agent. This information will then be compared by the independent ballot agent to the membership list provided by the RTBU. QUBE will not know who RTBU members are. Please make sure your details are updated ASAP and the easiest way is to phone the RTBU Head office on (02) 9264 2511. 

The Ballot will be conducted electronically, and we will provide more details once the Fair Work Commission has approved the ballot, which will likely commence next week. 

Remember, only financial RTBU Members are protected to take action without any repercussions from QUBE. If you’re not a member but would like to stand up with the collective and fight for the pay and conditions that you deserve … JOIN TODAY! 

Regarding the Federal Court Matter, the RTBU Legal team has advised that this will proceed as early as next week. This is regarding the non-payment of Loadings and Penalties dating back potentially 6 years. Again, if you’re not a financial RTBU Member, then you will not be considered in the RTBU’s case. 

If I have any questions or queries, who do I direct them to? 

As always, Members are encouraged to speak with your Depot Delegate, your Divisional Organiser or call the NSW RTBU Office on (02) 9264 3400. 

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