Proposed iPad Training Course – Sydney Trains
Sydney Trains is proposing to trial an iPad based Respect and Dignity training package for train crew during May.
The training will be conducted at the North Sydney depot over a 3 week period commencing 5 May 2014.
This proposal is similar to that already undertaken at State Transit where 3500 employees received the training.
47 train crew based at North Sydney have been identified to receive the training. Those unable to attend during the 3 weeks mentioned will have the opportunity to catch up at a later date, possibly via one on one training. It’s been proposed that crew diagrams be altered to allow for its delivery, and to date five diagrams have been identified as suitable for this purpose.
The course itself only takes 20 minutes, however 1 hour has been allocated to allow for any potential issues crew may have with the iPad technology. Crew will be given a brief introduction to iPads followed by a practice session and then the course itself on these devices. The out of peak period (between 10am and 2pm) has been identified as the preferred time.
The RTBU has requested that Depot Organiser, Kim Martin, be rostered to attend the initial pilot course to review its contents and provide feedback.
Members will be advised of this pilot/trial via workplace posters and individual correspondence with the training occurring in the station conference room. Once completed, feedback from participants will be correlated and a follow up meeting will be held to discuss the same. If this process is successful, it is then proposed to roll out this form of training to the wider Sydney Trains train crew.