PNI Mobile Phone Update
An RTBU PNI National Delegate phone hook-up was held recently. Usually these meetings cover outcomes from the National consultation meetings and Depot updates/issues.
This meeting, however, was entirely dominated by Pacific National’s decision to roll-out mobile phones in the Intermodal Division and the legitimate and serious concerns that the Members have about this decision.
The Delegates (on behalf of the Membership) made their concerns very clear and directed the RTBU National Office to meet with Pacific National about three primary matters of concern:
- Mobile Phone Roll-Out to cease until PN Policies reflect the information delivered during Consultation. Namely the Pacific National Code of Conduct, Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Policy, National Mobile Phone Telecommunications Services Policy and the IT Security and Acceptable Use Policy
- Privacy and Tracking
- The Loco On/Loco Off App (Footplate Time)
On Monday the 28 October, Allan Barden and Leanne Holmes from the RTBU National Office met with Craig Liddie (Head of HR – Freight) and Heidi Say (HR Business Partner) to put the Members’ concerns forward.
This meeting was positive with PN understanding why the Members are very concerned about the proposed rollout and the possible ramifications for Train Crew when it comes privacy, tracking, disciplinary action and data collection (Loco On/Loco Off).
Pacific National has responded to the RTBU National Office with the following:
- Policy review updates to be provided to the RTBU by Thursday 7 November.
- Confirmation that the “footplate time” in the Driver App will not be used for the purpose of determining maximum rostered shift length as per Clause 4 of Attachment 1 – Rostering Guidelines
- Confirmation that the implementation of Smartphones will be in adherence with all applicable EA’s
- PN will explore optimising existing Category A notice acknowledgement processes (update by Friday the 15 November)
During this meeting the RTBU also raised concerns about the PN draft “Guidelines” that were going to be issued to the Drivers once rollout commenced.
The RTBU put heavy emphasis on safety, and the Driver having ultimate say over when the phones are used in the Drivers cab and other safety critical operations. PN have considered the feedback.
UPDATE – After a conversation with Craig Liddie (PN HR – Head of Freight) on Monday 4 November, he has confirmed that the Smartphone rollout has been put on hold in Intermodal until the PN policy updates have been reviewed by the RTBU.
Also, mandatory use of any of the apps (including Loco On/Loco Off) will not occur in Freight as it has not been consulted on.
A RTBU PNI National Delegate phone hook-up will be scheduled for this week.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact your Delegate or National Organiser Leanne Holmes on 0405 231 016.