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PN Outsourced EA Update: Enterprise Agreement Approved by Fair Work

Late yesterday afternoon, the RTBU Locomotive Division received confirmation from the Fair Work Commission that your new Enterprise Agreement had been approved by the Fair Work Commission. 

Your new Enterprise Agreement will commence on the 11th March 2021, expire on 31st December 2021 and includes 2 pay increases as follows: 

  • 1st full pay period after the 1st of January 2021 of 2.5%, and 
  • 1st full pay period after the 1st of July 2021 of 1.25%, plus 
  • a $750 retention bonus at the expiry of this agreement. 

We have been advised that Pacific National is currently working with payroll to work out when you will receive your back pay and we will advise members as soon as we have that information. 

Again, congratulations must go to all members, and your Delegates who made a stand, voiced your concerns to the Company with your protected industrial action and for finally getting an improved offer you deserve! 

Click here to download the complete update.

