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PN NSW Bulk Rail EA – Pay and Protected Action

Nov 10, 2017News PN Updates

Members from around the state are reporting that Pacific National has deducted payments for participating in the two 48 hour stoppages that are higher than the hours they were rostered to work or would have expected to work on those two weekends.

This blanket action by the company may be a misapplication of the Fair Work Act 2009. The Act prohibits Pacific National from paying an employee for time they would have been working but instead were participating in protected industrial action. It does not appear to provide an entitlement for Pacific National to deduct an arbitrary amount from your guaranteed hours.

Your RTBU team has written to management today to get urgent answers on why they have taken this action against you. Once we get their answers, we will update you on the next steps based on the Company’s response and our legal advice. Resolving this issue will take time and your delegates will keep you updated throughout the process.

To make sure your questions about your pay get answered in this process, please fill in the survey using the link: http://bit.ly/RTBULDPN

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