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PN Intermodal: Rollover negotiations set to commence

On Thursday 15 October PNI Members will receive the NERR (Notice of Employee Representational Rights) from Management which is the trigger to begin negotiations.

EA Rollover Negotiations

There are only two components to the EA Rollover position, those being the length of the Agreement and the wage increase. Hopefully PN will acknowledge the hard work PNI Members have done throughout this Global Pandemic (not to mention the massive profits they have made off the back of your labour) and offer a fair pay increase straight off the bat thus removing the need for extended negotiations.

Like normal negotiations, once both parties can no longer negotiate any further, the position is put out to the Members to vote on. If that vote goes down, a “NO” vote, both parties come back to the table. If the vote gets up, a “YES” vote, EA conditions will remain the same until the next round of bargaining upon expiry of the new agreement.

Clause 3.9 talks will be happening separately, with an agreed timeframe to be outlined by both parties. If that timeframe has been exhausted (and agreement hasn’t been reached), arbitration will be sought.

Both PN and RTBU lawyers will also meet to run through any FWA compliance issues/changes that may need to be incorporated or removed from the EA. This is standard practice for any EA across the country and does not form part of negotiations.

What happens if the Rollover vote goes down?

If the Members decide that final EA Rollover position isn’t good enough, and vote it down, that will trigger full negotiations.

Surveys will be sent out to form a Log of Claims, and the usual negotiations will commence once the LOC has been endorsed by the Members.

However, due to Covid, normal Depot Tours will not be able to be held at this stage. How are the EA meetings being conducted due to Covid?

Due to Covid restrictions across the country, negotiations will be held online via Microsoft Teams with PN. When the RTBU EA Team need a breakout, the RTBU Zoom Room or phone will be utilised.

This is going to make Negotiating more challenging than normal and is certainly new ground for all of us.

Your EA Bargaining Team:


  • Pete Mundey – Taree Adam Zimmer – SFT Tom Michell – MFT
  • Brett Dawson – Port Augusta Pete Visentin – PFT
  • Dave Mathie – Proxy


  • Leanne Holmes – National Organiser
  • Steve Wright – NSW Freight Organiser

Comrades, if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to speak to your local Delegate or contact Leanne Holmes on 0405 231 016 or Steve Wright on 0418 699 642.

Click here to download the full update.

