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PN Intermodal EA Update: Clause 3.9 to be Arbitrated!

Your RTBU Negotiating Team met with PN Management yesterday afternoon to see if we could come to a resolution on the 3.9 Disputes.

With no movement made, the trigger was pulled on seeking an Independent Umpire.

While PN were pushing for mediation first, your Negotiating Team stuck to their guns, and this afternoon PN agreed to go straight to Arbitration.

Arbitration will now be sought from the Fair Work Commission around the interpretation of Clause 3.9, Attachment 1 of the EA.

Members are reminded that the outcome of yesterday, nor the Arbitration ruling, will affect the wording of the Enterprise Agreement. Whether the vote gets up or not.

This is a massive win for the Members as PN have historically never agreed to Arbitration. Well done!!!

Have you voted yet?

Feedback from the RTBU Rank and File have suggested that some Members were waiting for a clear outcome of yesterday’s meeting to vote. Now that Arbitration is locked in …PLEASE VOTE!!!!

Let’s show the bosses that the PN Intermodal Train Crew are 100% engaged in their EA, and their working rights and conditions. Voting closes Friday.


Download a copy of the update here.

